Looking To Install An Asphalt Driveway? Three Questions To Ask Asphalt Paving Services Prior To Hiring

Looking To Install An Asphalt Driveway? Three Questions To Ask Asphalt Paving Services Prior To Hiring

Looking To Install An Asphalt Driveway? Three Questions To Ask Asphalt Paving Services Prior To Hiring

28 February 2023
, Blog

Prior to hiring an asphalt paving service to lay a new asphalt driveway for you, it is recommended that you talk to and get estimates from a few different companies. This allows you to find the company that offers a fair price and provides the services that are ideal for you. Unfortunately, many people have no idea what to ask asphalt paving companies. There are a few important questions you should always ask that you may be aware of, including if they are licensed and insured. Here are a few questions that may you not be aware that you should ask asphalt paving services. 

Why Is Asphalt More Beneficial Than Concrete Or Pavers?

One of the decisions that you have to make when having a new driveway installed is what material to use. Most people either select asphalt, concrete, or pavers. If you are considering asphalt, you may be talking to asphalt paving companies. Always ask them what the benefits are for asphalt compared to other materials for your specific project. They should be able to tell you why asphalt is a great choice for your driveway compared to the other options. 

Do You Offer Asphalt In Colors Other Than Black? 

One of the biggest misconceptions about asphalt is that it only comes in black. Asphalt comes in a wide array of colors and most of those colors are earth tones or natural tones. However, not every asphalt paving company offers colored asphalt, nor does every company offer the same colors. A colored asphalt driveway may add more curb appeal to your home's exterior, so always ask if the paving service offers asphalt in colors other than black. 

Are There Additional Expenses Not Included In Your Price Estimate? 

Lastly, be sure to ask an asphalt paving company if there are any additional expenses associated with the project that may not be included in the estimate that they provided you. For example, if you already have a driveway in place, demolition and haul-off may not be included. Sealcoating your asphalt surface after it has cured may also not be included. Finding out what is and is not included allows you to compare prices effectively and helps you avoid surprises when it comes to any potential costs when the project starts. 

If you are looking to hire an asphalt paving service to lay a new asphalt driveway on your property, asking the right questions can help guide you to the service that is best for your needs. Reach out to local asphalt pavers in your area and ask the above questions to help you find the one who is best suited to complete your job. For more information, contact a company like Cornerstone Paving.

About Me
Tips for Hiring Paving Contractors for Asphalt Jobs

If you need a new driveway at your home or a parking lot for your business, you'll need to contact paving contractors for the job. If you don't know much about hiring a contractor for asphalt work and you need some pointers, welcome to this blog. We were once in this position ourselves, so to answer our queries, we went right to the source and spoke with several paving contractors. We learned about asphalt depth and the different kinds of materials that are commonly used. We also discovered the importance of proper drainage and how contractors determine driveway slope. We feel confident that our blog will help you make a wise decision when choosing a contractor for your paving jobs.
